May 22, 2024

The Power of Generative AI in the Design Process at Sanzpont

At sanzpont [arquitectura], we have always been at the forefront of innovation and technology in architectural design. Currently, we are integrating Generative AI tools, such as Midjourney and Stable Diffusion, to discover new routes and possibilities in our creative process. This approach has allowed us to explore and refine our ideas more efficiently and with unprecedented conceptual depth. Here, we describe our process step by step:

1. Initial Image Generation with Midjourney

The first step in our design process involves using Midjourney to generate images that capture the initial ideas of a project. We use this tool to explore various visual and conceptual approaches, generating a series of analogous examples that allow us to quickly visualize multiple possibilities. These images serve as inspiration and reference to define the aesthetic and functional direction of the project.

2. Digital Sketches with Concepts App

Once we have defined an initial direction, we proceed to create digital sketches using the Concepts App on iPad. This application allows us to sketch ideas in a fluid and dynamic manner, exploring the concept intention. Sketches are essential to materialize the ideas generated by Midjourney into a more tangible and strait forward format.

3. Conceptual Modeling in 3ds Max

With the sketches as a guide, we create a conceptual model in 3ds Max as massing. This 3D model allows us to evaluate the spatial solution and the volumetry of the design in a three-dimensional environment. The ability to visualize the project in 3D is crucial for understanding how the different elements interact and for making necessary adjustments before advancing to the next stages.

4. Studying Alternatives with Stable Diffusion

From the 3D model or the sketches, we use AI again, this time with Stable Diffusion on Sketch to Render solution, to study more focused conceptual alternatives based on the established idea. Additionally, this technology allows us to generate different remodeling alternatives for a space through a photograph (if thats the case), evaluating design options without the need to model in 3D, resulting in a quicker and more effective analysis. This stage enables us to analyze various variants on the same concept, providing a wider range of design options that might not have been considered otherwise.

5. Project Development in BIM with Autodesk Revit

Once we have selected the most promising alternative, we proceed to develop the project in Rhino and Autodesk Revit. This platform allows us to take the design to a constructive detail level, integrating all the necessary elements for project execution. Revit facilitates coordination and precision in documentation, ensuring that the design can be carried out efficiently and faithfully to the original vision. Revised and updated versions of the renders are achieved through Real Time render solution as Enscape in the development process ensuring the design intent.


The integration of generative AI in our design process has revolutionized how we conceive and develop projects at Sanzpont. From generating initial ideas to realizing the final design, these tools have allowed us to explore new creative routes and optimize our workflow in terms of time, effectiveness, and design variant analysis. The collaboration between human creativity and AI power is redefining the future of architecture, and at Sanzpont, we are excited to continue leading this transformation.

Final Image: Comparison of the initial concept and the final design created in Revit

This approach has given us a significant competitive advantage, allowing us to offer innovative and customized solutions for each of our projects, always maintaining the excellence and quality that define us.



The challenge of this project was to expand a commercial building within a mall, creating a new iconic experience for visitors. The expansion involved designing a children's playground, with a concept and imagery centered around aliens and space as entertainment. We set out to reinterpret an alien spaceship concept to inspire the expansion of the building.

1. Image inspiration concept generated by Midjourney for a commercial building

Once we selected the conceptual image that embodied the project's vision, we created a sketch to capture the project's intention.

2. Conceptual model in 3ds Max

With the conceptual 3D model ready, we utilized Stable Diffusion to generate alternative images from the model's outline. This process provided valuable insights into contrasts and material proportions for the façade design.

3. Conceptual alternatives generated with Stable Diffusion

4. Selected conceptual image generated in Stable Diffusion

After selecting the version that best reflected our desired idea, we moved on to developing the 3D model in Rhino and Revit for the project's constructive phase. This iterative process in conceptual exploration and project development allowed us to effectively evaluate design alternatives.

5. Final render image rendered in 3ds Max and modelled in Rhino and Revit



1. Image sketch made in Concepts App for iPad

2A. Sketch to render alternative made in Stable Diffusion

2B. Sketch to render alternative made in Stable Diffusion

2C. Sketch to render alternative made in Stable Diffusion
3. Render made in Enscape and modelled in Revit



1. Image sketch made in pen and paper

2. Sketch to render made in Stable Diffusion



1. Image sketch made in Concepts App for iPad

2. Sketch to render made in Stable Diffusion



1. Photo of a interior for home remodelling

2A. Photo to render alternative made in Stable Diffusion

3B. Photo to render alternative made in Stable Diffusion

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Contact Us

Our offices are located in Barcelona, Cancún, Chicago and Santo Domingo, but thanks to technology we can do projects on all over the world.

Bac de Roda 136
08020, Barcelona

Av. de Buendía 11
19005 Guadalajara (Madrid)

373 Hazel Ave, Apt A1
60022, Glencoe, Illinois
United States

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